Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life is Learning

We know that we started learning since we were born. When we were still baby we learned to eat, to drink, to speak, to walk, to run, to hold and others.

And then when we were in school age, we studied knowledeges and started to learn about relationship with other people. After that we were in college to get more knowledge and skill.

After graduated from colleges, did our learn finish?. Of course we know that it didn't finish yet. Because, when we are working, from every people we meet, every case we handle, we learn something. In social life we learn from everything happened.

And when we become a husband, a father, become parent we also learn to be the good one. Even someday when we become grandfather, an old man, we can still learn.

From a good man we learn wisdom, from a criminal we learn about something bad that we may not do.

After all it depends us, could we be a better man after all of learning we get in this life.

Wiseword says, everybody is teacher, every place is class. So that's way life is learning and life time lessons.